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The Centre for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education in Africa (CEMASTEA) is mandated to train and conduct research in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education. Welcome to the STEM Research and Innovation Directorate. The directorate is charged with the responsibility of conducting research, knowledge management and innovation activities in the Centre. 

Our Vision 

Towards excellence in research and innovation in STEM 

Our Mission 

To promote discovery, application, and dissemination of knowledge through quality research and innovation. 

Functions of the Research and Innovation Directorate 

1. Provides a framework for undertaking education research by CEMASTEA staff and their collaborators. 

2. Conducts classroom-based STEM education research to identify trends, challenges, and opportunities that inform best pedagogical practices and policy. 

3. Conducts Training Needs Assessment (TNA) for all INSETs and workshops conducted by CEMASTEA 

4. Promotes collaborative research initiatives, that foster partnerships with other academic and educational institutions, government agencies, and international organizations in STEM education 

5. Develops and executes targeted research projects to enhance innovation in classroom practices and resources in STEM education. 

6. Provides a framework for knowledge management of CEMASTEA activities. 

7. Provides a framework for the CEMASTEA staff to undertake consultancy in research and knowledge management in STEM education. 

8. Provides consultancy in research and knowledge management in STEM education. 

9. Publishes a practitioners’ journal dedicated to STEM education, creating a platform for educators to share research, experiences, and innovative practices. 

10. Provides a framework for the publication and dissemination of research outputs by CEMASTEA

11. Facilitates the dissemination of research findings through publications, workshop presentations, and conferences and engages with policymakers and practitioners to translate research into practice.

12. Conducts symposiums that facilitate sharing best practices and innovative approaches to enhance teaching and learning in STEM subjects. 

13. Develops frameworks for monitoring and assessing the impact of training programs in STEM education 

14. Conducts Monitoring, Evaluation and Support of all training programs conducted by CEMASTEA