This is among other specialised programme in CEMASTEA recently launched by the director to address all matters pertaining to innovations and exhibitions. It comprises of a member from each of the departments (Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, ICT ) and the three laboratory technicians.
The following are the strategic objectives.
To identify innovations for teaching and learning mathematics and science
To design, develop, test, modify and incubate the innovations in science and mathematics;
To produce and replicate the innovations for use in educational institutions
To document and share/disseminate innovations with schools, youth in technical institutions and villages.
To create public awareness on innovations in mathematics and science through science and technology parks
To conduct research on innovations in science and mathematics
To benchmark with countries who have established science parks or science and technology parks specifically targeting science, technology and innovation
To be a centre of excellence in innovations
To transform teaching of science and mathematics through innovations by continuously developing teacher and student competences for effective curriculum delivery and improved quality of education.
Core functions
Tap innovations from all departments Engage students through teachers on innovations for entrepreneurship Attend all science fairs Exhibit innovations designed by department