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National Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education


By Joejames, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and

Dr. Grace Orado, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The Centre for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education in Africa (CEMASTEA) held its first national conference on mathematics and science education. The conference brought together academicians, education practitioners and researchers who will share their experiences and ideas on ways of promoting innovative pedagogy in mathematics, science and technology education.  The theme of the conference was;

 Innovative Pedagogy through Continuous Teacher Capacity Building

The conference took place on Tuesday, 15th to Thursday, 17th September 2015, at Kenya Commercial Bank Leadership Centre in Karen, on the outskirts of Nairobi. A number of exhibitors were present at the venue. They included: Jomo Kenyatta Foundation (JKF), Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC), School Equipment Production Unit (SEPU), Oxford University press, and Oriflame. The conference received generous support from the Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB) and National Council for Science, Technology and Innovations (NACOSTI).

The Chief Guest during the opening ceremony was Dr. Belio Kipsang, Principal Secretary, Ministry of Education Science and Technology (MOEST), State Department of Education while the  keynote address was delivered by Professor Gerald Kimani of University of Nairobi.

During the three days conference the paper presentations were touching on the following subthemes:

  1. ICT integration in teaching and learning
  2. Consideration of learners' ideas in teaching and learning
  3. Enhancement of process skills in teaching and learning
  4. Assessment, performance and achievement in teaching and learning
  5. School-based teacher and learner capacity development initiatives (i.e., Lesson study, Peer-teaching and Mentoring)
  6. Contemporary issues in Education


The conference ended on Thursday, 17th September 2015 with Mrs. Margaret Murage,  Director Field and Other Services (DFOS), MOEST, State Department of Education presiding over the closing ceremony .

The conference provided a good learning opportunity for all. Specifically CEMASTEA who learnt a lot from this conference and hopes to draw on the proceedings to drive its agenda in teacher capacity development in mathematics, science and technology education. Educators and members of the general public are encouraged to attend. For details on how to register visit



This is the African component of the SMASE programme sponsored by JICA and implemented by MOEST through CEMASTEA.The programme is being attended by 60 participants from 9 countries in Africa.These countries are Tanzania,Zanzibar,Lesotho,Swaziland,Zimbabwe,Namibia,Malawi,Uganda and Rwanda.The occassion was also graced by representatives of high commissioners from Malawi and Zimbabwe as well as JICA Kenya.




"To review the service charter with a view to improving the service delivery and making the customers more satisfied with the services"


The  Director CEMASTEA Mr. Stephen M. Njoroge and Mr. Patrick Kogolla  in a discussion session of ADEA Planning Meeting at the African Development Bank Headquarters in Abidjan, Cote d'Voire

The CEMASTEA team presents evidence of their performance for the year 2014-2015 at Utalii College Nairobi.This is an annual event during which all public institutions under performance contract are evaluated against their signed contracts.The exercise is a mechanism by the government to increase efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery and utilisation of public funds as well well realisation of key government strategic objectives.The team was led by the director Mr.Stephen Njoroge,BOM chair Dr. Wanjiru and Mrs Mary Kariuki coordinator Performance Contracting at CEMASTEA.
Evaluators hailed the team for its meticulous organisation of its reports and evidences that enabled smooth completion of the exercise.

The partnership and linkages committee with the JICA team in a workshop in Naivasha (18th to 21st August 2015) working on concept notes on collaboration and research.


The deputy director Mr Moses Kawa  opening  the CEMASTEA staff  workshop on development of  the centres' communication policy and  risk management plan in Naivasha.The risk mitigation plans and communication policy are aimed at enhancing efficiency and effectiveness in the operations of CEMASTEA.

Theme: Effective Management of SMASE INSET Activities at County Level: The role of INSET centre managers


Venue: Sugyama Hall, CEMASTEA

Dates: 10th and 11th August, 2015

Target Participants: 117 INSET Centre Managers


Workshop Objectives

1. Share feedback on Implementation of SMASE secondary activities at INSET centres

2. Build capacity of INSET centre managers on : effective resource management and utilization, centre management as a resource centre.

​A consultative meeting with CEMASTEA goods and service providers​ for enhanced delivery of quality service.The meeting was held on 5th August 2015 at CEMASTEA.

​Members of CEMASTEA staff ,Mr Waibochi,Mrs Masai and Kizito ​take part in a UNESCO workshop on revising of an online course on Kenya ICT Teacher Competency Framework Course at the Laico Regency Hotel Nairobi.
The workshop has been useful as it has enhanced the capability of participants to use Moodle as well as how to develop content using existing Open Education Resources(OERs).The wokshop was held from 3rd to 6th August 2015.


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Quality Policy Statement

The Centre for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education in Africa is committed to providing training to curriculum implementers and conducting educational research in a timely, efficient and effective manner

The Centre is committed to satisfying customer, organizational, legal and ISO 9001:2015 requirements and to the continual improvement of its quality management system.



21ST Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education in Africa (COMSTEDA 21) and Annual SMASE-AFRICA Delegates Meeting

Theme: "Empowering the Next Generation through Innovative STEM Education"

The Venue: National Teachers Institute, Kaduna- Nigeria.

Date: 10th-12th September,2024

Register by clicking this link

CEMASTEA Newsletter

Issue 17 of the CEMASTEA Info Newsletter is Out!!!!! Download a copy and read more. Enjoy the read!

CEMASTEA’s Practitioner Journal of Mathematics and Science Teachers

CEMASTEA has established a Practitioner Journal of Mathematics and Science Teachers (PJM&ST). Click here to access the journal. The journal is also accessible on CEMASTEA Content Repository using the link: and on the Online Journal System using the link:

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Centre for Mathematics, Science & Technology
Education in Africa (CEMASTEA)
P.O.Box 24214-00502
Karen Road-Bogani Road  Junction
Tel: 020-2044406 ,+254 706 722697/+254 780 797648

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