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THE GPE PRIEDE PROJECT: Launching and Commissioning of the Project Technical Teams

THE GPE PRIEDE PROJECT: Launching and Commissioning of the Project Technical Teams

Published in CEMASTEA News Written by  November 16 2015 font size decrease font size increase font size
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Global Partnership in Education (GPE) Primary Education Development (PREIDE) Project (2015-2019) is a MoEST project with two objectives:

  1. Improve Early Grade Mathematics Competencies among Learners
  2. Strengthen Management Systems at School and National Levels


Centre for Mathematics Science and Technology Education in Africa (CEMASTEA) will be actively involved and particularly in the Project Development Objective 1: Improve Early Grade Mathematics (EGM) competencies among Learners

This objective will be achieved through Component 1: Improving the foundations of learning by enhancing early grade mathematics under the following sub-components

1.1: Improving teacher competencies for developing EGM numeracy (Class 1 & 2)

1.2: Providing Classroom Instructional Materials

1.3: Enhancing Teacher Pedagogical Supervision

1.4: Mainstreaming EGM Methodologies in Pre-Service Teacher Education

1.5: EGM Management and Coordination


Towards the support of this important project, CEMASTEA has seconded Mr. Joseph Ogwel to work full time and currently he is the Deputy Coordinator leading component 1 of the project where he is making immense contribution to the project as observed by the Project National Coordinator Madam Martha Ekirapa. In addition Messrs. George Kiruja, Joseph Kuria and John Odhiambo have been nominated to the national technical team under the project. The launching and commissioning of the technical team was presided over by the Principal Secretary on 5.11.2015 at the MoEST headquarters.

Read 6374 times Last modified on Last modified on November 16 2015

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