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TSC calls for regular training of teachers

TSC calls for regular training of teachers

Published in CEMASTEA News Written by  October 13 2017 font size decrease font size increase font size
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By: OumaWanzala

September 24 2017

The Teachers Service Commission has said there is need for regular training of practicing teachers in Kenya and other countries in the region.

TSC chief executive Nancy Macharia, said this will enable teachers to continuously equip themselves with opportunities to update and improve their knowledge and teaching techniques.

“This will greatly impact how they deliver lessons and effectively offer and education that is not only relevant but focused on real world problems,” said Mrs. Macharia

Ms. Macharia made the remarks at the Centre for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education in Africa during a training of mathematics and science teachers from seven African countries in the region on in Nairobi.

The two-week training will end next week. “I am delighted therefore to see continental efforts being made to improve the professional practice of teachers that will enhance the quality of education and learner achievement, “added Ms. Macharia.

Mrs. Macharia said the in-service education and training will increase teachers ‘capacity for a deeper understanding of the continent, how students learn and a broaden comprehension of clear- cut teaching skills and strategies that ultimately result in student learning.

Association for the Development of Education in Africa senior Finance and budget office Foday Kargbo underscored the role of governments and development partners in achieving both continental blue prints and global agenda


Mrs. Nancy Macharia, CEO Teachers Service Commission.[File]

Read 4751 times Last modified on Last modified on October 16 2017

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