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A Giant Leap: CEMASTEA Trains 2000 Teachers Using It's Portal

A Giant Leap: CEMASTEA Trains 2000 Teachers Using It's Portal

Published in CEMASTEA News Written by  August 03 2023 font size decrease font size increase font size
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By Paul Waibochi

CEMASTEA has increased by training over 2000 secondary school teachers of all subjects using its Learning management system (LMS) domiciled at the CEMASTEA portal ( This successful ICT training conducted in 25 Counties had participants self-enrol for the course, work on activities and, after grading and authorisation by the facilitators, download an online certificate. The majority of teachers accessed the system using their mobile phones. This course was self-paced, with teachers doing much of the training on their own time with minimal guidance from the facilitators.

In the past, CEMASTEA has been training teachers on ICT integration in teaching and learning using a blended mode. The centre leveraged virtual platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Big Blue Button, and Google Classroom. The LMS can enrol over 100,000 participants doing different courses and simultaneously access learning materials. CEMASTEA plans to use the portal for most of its training programmes.

Read 644 times Last modified on Last modified on September 15 2023
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